Industry Patents

Patent: 6608453

Methods and Apparatus for Controlling Devices in a Networked Lighting System

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Patent Number: 6608453 
Title: Methods and Apparatus for Controlling Devices in a Networked Lighting System 
Abstract: Methods and apparatus for computer-based control of light sources and other devices in a networked lighting system. Conventional light sources may be controlled in combination with LED-based (e.g., variable color) light sources to provide enhanced lighting effects for a variety of space-illumination applications (e.g., residential, office/workplace, retail, commercial, industrial, and outdoor environments). Individual light sources or groups of light sources may be controlled independently of one another based on data transported throughout the network. In one example, one or more other controllable devices (e.g., various actuators, such as relays, switches, motors, etc.) and/or sensors (e.g., heat, light, sound/pressure, or motion sensors) also may be coupled to the network to facilitate automated lighting applications based on a variety of feedback stimuli.  
Country of Issue: US 
First Named Inventor: Morgan, Ducharme, Chemel, Laszewski, Dowling 
Assignee: Color Kinetics 
Continuation or Divisional of: 6150774 
International Classification: H05B 37/00 
US Classification: 315/312 
Issue Date: 08-19-2003 
Filing Date: 05-30-2001 
Application : 09/870193 
Link to Patent at 6608453 at Freepatentsonline 
Link to World Patent Family1: World Patent Family at European Patent Office 
Link to Google Patents1: 6608453 at Google Patents 


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after the patent has issued - they take a while to get new patents in their systems.

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