Industry Patents

Patent: 8449141

Intelligent Light Fixture with Manual Follow Spot Function

(Click image for PDF of full patent)


Patent Number: 8449141 
Title: Intelligent Light Fixture with Manual Follow Spot Function 

The present invention relates to entertainments systems comprising a light controller connected to at least one moving head light fixture through a communication channel and to moving head light fixtures, where a moving head comprises switching means for switching said moving head between a normal mode of operation and a follow spot mode of operation, said follow spot mode of operation being characterized in that at least said first rotating means or said second rotating means being deactivated. In is thus possible to use the moving head as both an automatic moving head an as a manual moved follow spot. The moving head comprises also position encoding means determining to position of the moving head and other moving heads in the entertainment system thus be controlled based on the position of the first moving head.  

Country of Issue: US 
First Named Inventor: Hinrichs 
Assignee: Martin Professional 
Continuation or Divisional of:  
International Classification: F21V 1/00 
US Classification: 362/235 
Issue Date: 05-28-2013 
Filing Date: 04-13-2010 
Application : 13/378184 
Link to Patent at 8449141 at Freepatentsonline 
Link to World Patent Family1: World Patent Family at European Patent Office 
Link to Google Patents1: 8449141 at Google Patents 


1. The Google Patents and World Patent Family links will likely not work until a few weeks
after the patent has issued - they take a while to get new patents in their systems.

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