Industry Patents

Patent: 7210818

Flexible LED Lighting Strip

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Patent Number: 7210818 
Title: Flexible LED Lighting Strip 
Abstract: A flexible lighting device includes an elongated flexible tube with a translucent tube shell and opposed tube ends and a flexible circuit board set in the tube so that it extends between the tube ends. The flexible circuit board has opposed interior and exterior surfaces. Electrical circuitry is mounted to the circuit board and connected to an external input source and an output source of electrical power. The circuit board defines a number of cut-outs, preferably those of a generally diamond shape. The device is described in two embodiments: one with inwardly directed LEDs on the circuit board directed into the tube and one with outwardly directed LEDs on the circuit board directed out of the tube. The method of making the flexible lighting device is also described.  
Country of Issue: US 
First Named Inventor: Luk, Altman 
Assignee: Altman Stage Lighting 
Continuation or Divisional of: 6846094 
International Classification: F21S 13/14 
US Classification: 362/252 
Issue Date: 05-01-2007 
Filing Date: 09-27-2004 
Application : 10/950843 
Link to Patent at 7210818 at Freepatentsonline 
Link to World Patent Family1: World Patent Family at European Patent Office 
Link to Google Patents1: 7210818 at Google Patents 


1. The Google Patents and World Patent Family links will likely not work until a few weeks
after the patent has issued - they take a while to get new patents in their systems.

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