Industry Patents

Patent: 7202613

Controlled Lighting Methods and Apparatus

(Click image for PDF of full patent)


Patent Number: 7202613 
Title: Controlled Lighting Methods and Apparatus 
Abstract: Described herein are lighting units of a variety of types and configurations, including linear lighting units suitable for lighting large spaces, such as building exteriors and interiors. Also provided herein are methods and systems for powering lighting units, controlling lighting units, authoring displays for lighting units, and addressing control data for lighting units.  
Country of Issue: US 
First Named Inventor: Morgan, Dowling, Lys, Roberge, Chemel, Hyer, Blackwell, Warwick 
Assignee: Color Kinetics 
Continuation or Divisional of: 6608453 
International Classification: H05B 37/00 
US Classification: 315/312 
Issue Date: 04-10-2007 
Filing Date: 02-06-2003 
Application : 10/360594 
Link to Patent at 7202613 at Freepatentsonline 
Link to World Patent Family1: World Patent Family at European Patent Office 
Link to Google Patents1: 7202613 at Google Patents 


1. The Google Patents and World Patent Family links will likely not work until a few weeks
after the patent has issued - they take a while to get new patents in their systems.

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