Industry Patents

Patent: 7152996

Diode Lighting System

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Patent Number: 7152996 
Title: Diode Lighting System 
Abstract: A lighting system for stage, theatrical and architectural lighting, comprising a frame for supporting a plurality of light emitting diodes. The diodes are mounted to the frame so that each diode is both secured to the frame and also simultaneously positioned wherein each discrete diode light beam is directed to a prescribed remote focal point (target zone) and thereupon directed to a predetermined illumination area. Electrical power for transmitting and controlling electrical voltage to light emitting diodes by electrical circuitry integral with the frame. The frame can be configured as any hollow volume such a cone, a semi-ellipse, and a semi-sphere or can be configured as planar. Flexible blanks having apertures and pads for electrical connections can be used to construct rigid frames. An imaging gate a collimating lens and a focusing lens can be interposed between the frame and the illumination area. The frame can also be a sandwich frame having positive and negative electrically conductive layers interposed between layers of biasable insulating foam.  
Country of Issue: US 
First Named Inventor: Luk 
Assignee: Altman Stage Lighting 
Continuation or Divisional of:  
International Classification: F21V 5/00 
US Classification: 362/240 
Issue Date: 12-26-2006 
Filing Date: 04-27-2001 
Application : 9/845073 
Link to Patent at 7152996 at Freepatentsonline 
Link to World Patent Family1: World Patent Family at European Patent Office 
Link to Google Patents1: 7152996 at Google Patents 


1. The Google Patents and World Patent Family links will likely not work until a few weeks
after the patent has issued - they take a while to get new patents in their systems.

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